Nvidia Jetbot


The plan is to create a Nvidia jetson nano powered jetbot that does basic tasks such as obstacle avoidance with the help of its onboard computer. With the help of this I would be able to learn basic robotics concepts such as programatic motor control. Later on I can build some other useful projects out of it.


First of all I would have to order parts from multiple stores. https://jetbot.org/master/getting_started.html have all the required steps I need to follow in order to get this project completed. Next on I will follow the examples given on the above mentioned site to complete my project.


Jetson nanohttps://developer.nvidia.com/embedded/buy/jetson-nano-devkit$149.00
Micro SD card 64Gbhttps://amzn.eu/d/gCJbjJM$6.47
Power supplyAlready Have
MotorAlready Have
Motor Driverhttp://adafru.it/2927$19.95
Caster Ballhttps://robu.in/product/wheel-of-metal/?gclid=Cj0KCQiAtvSdBhD0ARIsAPf8oNmK4hd0EWhRQ4ghPwx1Aydilg9Y4lvEWmT9SyFQ6pbXQOQfIgWJdI8aAnxqEALw_wcB$0.60
USB cable packAlready own
PiOLED displayhttp://adafru.it/3527$7.00
PiOLES HeaderAlready Have
WiFi Dongle - TP-Link Archer T2U Nanohttps://a.co/d/9mO5wSD$17.57
Wheels 65mmhttp://adafru.it/3757$3.00
Screws, Nuts, jumper wires and Adhresive padsLocal Market$5.00